
Narrativas para inovação

Quando Campbell propôs o conceito de monomito, em 1949, apontava um padrão para construção de narrativas que viria a ser conhecido mais tarde como a jornada do herói. O monomito de Campbell foi empregado em muitas das histórias famosas do cinema contemporâneo. Desde George Lucas na saga star wars, passando pelos estúdios Disney para histórias …

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Cenários para inovação

Contexto mutante, pressão para evoluir e se transformar frente a rupturas que desafiam a norma e demandam inovação, especialmente estratégica, para mudar comportamentos e transformar modelo de negócio. Esse é o cenário das empresas, nos mercados, hoje. Inovação é a mudança de comportamento de agentes, no mercado, como fornecedores e consumidores de qualquer coisa. Uma …

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comunidades figitais

comunidades – fazem – vendem – constroem – aprendem – desenvolvem – competem – coopetem – ensinam – colaboram – são escolas, casas, fábricas, cidades, figitais… Nesse texto vamos falar das comunidades contemporâneas, na verdade, das próximas comunidades contemporâneas, as comunidades figitais. Uma tendência comportamental onde o espaço físico é expandido e habilitado pelo digital, …

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the phygital school

In this document we discuss the changes in education systems in this shift from the physical to the phygital era. The phygital school reopens its doors to the world, enlarged by the digital and orchestrated by the social [people and institutions, in a network]. A movement that overlaps the medieval school and recovers the learning …

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the phygital store

We all know that retail has been changing drastically over the past 20 years. What many people did not predict was that the change didn’t have a single direction of digitization, ecommerce, the end of purely physical stores. Retail, like almost all markets and people, visited the future during the pandemic and discovered that the …

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plataform economy

plataforms and enablement platforms as infrastructure and services Platforms are layers of infrastructure and services, associated with governance systems, which enable multiple agents to participate in value creation networks for their own benefit and for the ecosystem. Despite the similarity with software platforms, here, infrastructure and services are not limited to [computational] hardware and software. …

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business and value models

Platforms that enable digital ecosystems have caused a large number of changes that impact every business. Enabling new business models, many capable of disrupting markets, possibly associated with new forms of monetization, directly affect companies of all sizes and markets. The potential of physical businesses expanded by the digital and orchestrated by the social is …

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incremental experiments

You have to experiment, test, validate hypotheses all the time in the phygital world. The flexibility of digital allows for the redesign and refactory of products and services, promoting a kind of continuous maturation of people’s experiences. In this document we present some principles for conducting experience tests with people who use or will use …

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incremental personas

what are personas the representation of a profile Personas are fictional characters that represent the different profiles of people who may come to relate or are already related to the business, product or service. Creating personas helps to understand these people’s expectations. Personas help to recognize that different people have different needs and expectations when …

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Scenarios for innovation

Changing context, pressure to evolve and transform in the face of ruptures that defy the norm and demand innovation, especially strategic, to change behaviors and transform business models. This is the scenario of companies in the markets today. Innovation is the behavior change of agents, in the market, as suppliers and consumers of anything. An …

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